While changing anything related to Windows Firewall or Windows Defender, you will notice a prompt appearance. Inside the prompt, you will find the “Windows Firewall can’t change some of your settings. Error code 0x80070424”.

This is mostly due to Windows Firewall or Windows Defender being either stopped or requiring a restart. However; this is not the only reason why you are experiencing the 80070424 error code on your screen.

Windows Firewall Error Code 0x80070424

Windows Firewall Can’t Change Some of your Settings. Error Code 80070424
Windows Firewall Can’t Change Some of your Settings. Error Code 80070424

Different things can stop the Firewall that will cause “Windows Firewall can’t change some of your settings. Error code 0x80070424”. Here are some of the most common reasons why you are experiencing the error.

  • Your Windows Firewall or Windows Defender is stopped. You can fix it by enabling the feature from the Settings.
  • There is also the possibility that you have performed an incomplete uninstallation. Leftovers can be found if the uninstallation process is not completed successfully.
  • These leftovers are a great opportunity for malware to infect them. Infected files can corrupt system files which can also affect the Windows Firewall.
  • There is also the chance of the zero-access rootkit being infected.
  • Applications such as Antivirus, Anti Malware, or corrupt apps can also affect your Windows Firewall.

No matter which one is the reason, we are going to fix your Windows Firewall Error Code 80070424 on your Windows.

How to fix Windows Firewall Can’t Change Some of your Settings. Error Code 80070424)

Firewall Error Code 80070424
Firewall Error Code 80070424

Begin by applying the methods given. As we have started from the basic and fast to the most complicated and time-consuming method there is. We are sure that by the end of this article, one of the methods will fix the Windows Firewall error code 80070424.

1- Enable Windows Firewall

Go to the Start menu and find the RUN app. Select RUN and type “services.msc” then press Enter.

Now you will navigate and find Windows Firewall and right-click on it. Then select Properties and inside the properties find the Startup type section.

Enable Windows Firewall to Automatic
Enable Windows Firewall to Automatic

Change the Startup type to Automatic. If you found this option already Automatic, then you will leave it as it is.

After changing the option, you will click on OK.

Enable Windows Defender

Continue the same process in the services. Here you will select Windows Defender and go to Properties. Again, find Startup Type and change it to Automatic then click on OK.

Enable BITS

Then you will enable the BITS (Background Intelligence Transfer Service) too. You will find it in Services too. Change the Startup Type of BITS to Automatic.

Try to change the Windows Update in the services to Automatic. Now restart your system and after the restart, you will check for the error again.

2- Use Windows Troubleshooter

Windows troubleshooter for 80070424
Windows troubleshooter for 80070424

Another method to fix the error is by using Windows Troubleshooter. Begin by downloading Windows Troubleshooter. Now run the Troubleshooter and select Advanced. Run as administrator and then select Next.

Windows Troubleshooter for 80070424
Windows Troubleshooter for 80070424

Here some loading will take place. During this time, the Windows Troubleshooter will find all errors on your system including “error code 80070424”.

Once the errors are found, you will have two options Apply this fix and Skip this fix.

The app will automatically fix all the errors and the list will be displayed in the next window.

3- Reset Windows Update Components

If the above two methods didn’t fix it then you are going to use this one. Begin by running CMD as administrator. Now use the commands below on the CMD:

netsh advfirewall reset
net start mpsdrv
net start bfe
net start mpssvc
regsvr32 firewallapi.dll

After running the commands, you will be asked for confirmation. Confirm your commands and select OK.

Give your system a reboot and check again for the error.

4- Start services with a Notepad

To use this method, you are going to open Notepad. Inside the notepad, you are going to paste the commands below:

sc config MpsSvc start= auto
sc config KeyIso start= auto
sc config BFE start= auto
sc config FwcAgent start= auto
net stop MpsSvc 
net start MpsSvc 
net stop KeyIso 
net start KeyIso
net start Wlansvc
net start dot3svc
net start EapHostnet 
net stop BFE 
net start BFE
net start PolicyAgent
net start MpsSvc
net start IKEEXT
net start DcaSvcnet 
net stop FwcAgent 
net start FwcAgent

Once you have pasted all the commands on Notepad, now you will save it. Don’t forget to save the file with the “.bat” extension. Name your file as RepairFirewall and end it with the “.bat” extension. Your file should look something like “RepairFirewall.bat”.

Exit the notepad now. Right-click on the RepairFirewall.bat file and select run as administrator. This way, most of the stopped services which were causing the error will now run. Give your system a reboot and check for the error again.

Related Topic: How to Repair Corrupt Registry on Windows 10?

5- Repair Registry files for fixing Firewall 80070424 error

This method can be lengthy but get assured that it is not complicated at all. Just follow each step till the end and you will fix the error.

Start the method by going to File Explorer and opening C drive. Inside the C drive, you will find Windows and inside that, you will find system64. If you find sysWOW64 instead of system64. Open it and you will find consrv.dll, this is a clear sign that you have corrupt files in zero kit access.

You are going to start the process by downloading MpsSvc and BFE.

Run both of the files by double-clicking on the files. then you will reboot your system.  

Now you will open RUN from the Start menu. Inside the RUN, you will type “regedit” and press Enter.

change permission of BFE
change permission of BFE

Navigate and find “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BFE” inside the registry. Right-click on the file and select Permissions.

allow everyone for BFE
allow everyone for BFE

Click on Add button, and type “Everyone” beside the Check Names button.

Strike on OK and Everyone should be now added to the Group or usernames section. Make sure you have selected all the users and provided them Full Control.

Again, click on Apply and then click on OK.

You will open RUN again and type “services” then press Enter. Find Filtering Engine and Windows Firewall, go to their properties, and change the Startup Type to Automatic.

Note: if you are confused with changing the Startup Type then you can navigate and apply the first method.

There is a minor chance that you will see something like “Windows could not start Windows Firewall on local Computer. See event log, if non-windows services contact vendor. Error code 5.” then continue to next step.”.

To fix that error, you are going to navigate and find “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess” in the Registry editor. There you will select the files, and go to Permission.

Now give the access to “Everyone” with Full Control. Apply the changes and reboot your system.  

6- Check for the Third party

even the method above is not working? Try to check installed applications on your system. First check applications like antivirus, anti-malware, or spyware, as they might mistakenly block the Firewall.

You will also need to check if you have installed any application that looks shady. Uninstall them and check for the error again.

There is also the option to use applications that claims to fix corrupt files, registries, and system files. try to use those tools for fixing the error, else you will need to use the last option below:

7- Perform System Restore

If none of the methods above are working, then you will need to perform a system restore.

NOTE: this method is applicable for users who have created a system restore point before. If you are not sure, then check by the steps given.

Go to the Start menu, and find All Programs. Now select Accessories > System Tools and then select System Restore.

Here you will select Restore my computer to an earlier time.

Select the Restore point that you want to go back to.

Click on Next for confirmation.

system restore of Windows
system restore of Windows

Once your system is restored back, you are going to click on Finish.

Related Errors:

Written by Admin

Hey, it's your Admin. I am a tech enthusiast who is trying to improve his skills to help others. My goal is to provide solutions to different software and operating systems. If you are having any kind of problem with tech and need assistance then I am here for you.

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