Free download Windows 11 ISO File from Direct Links
With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft has stated that they have no intentions of creating a new Windows OS. they have made their point very clear on not bringing any new Windows OS, instead they will solely focus on Windows 10.
Everyone believed that until recently with the leak of Windows 11. Major leaks were published, soon Microsoft has also claimed about the new release of Windows 11. On June 28, 2021; Microsoft has approved Windows 11 and soon released the beta version too. It is expected that Microsoft will release the official version on 28th October.
So, here you can download Windows 10 ISO from the direct links for free. Windows 11 is released with the build 219961 as a successor of Windows 10.
Windows 11 is strong enough to run on barebones hardware or can even be used on virtual machines. In the new Windows 11, the first thing you will notice will be the new interface.
The amazingly new and smart interface has been brought in new Windows 11, with tons of different features. They have changed the theme of Windows, from plain white color into something more bluish.
They have also enabled the dark mode, throughout Windows 11, brand new icons, colors, and themes can be observed. Window edges got round corners, same with the most of other items on your screen.
Rumors were, Microsoft has added Widget on Windows 11. Later on, the rumors were proved right. Numerous widgets can be added or removed from the desktop. In Windows 11, the biggest change that you can see in the taskbar. Now, all your icons on taskbars are positioned in the center. The tray looks clean and friendly. A new Start button is also added to Windows 11.
Windows 11 ISO Download Direct Links

Download all Windows 11 ISO | AndroidFileHost | Gdrive link1 | Gdrive link 2
Windows 11 ISO mirror links | Gdrive download 1 | Gdrive download 2 | Gdrive download 3
Torrent magnet link: (Paste link in Torrent Client)
System requirements to run Windows 11
You might be thinking, can my system run Windows 11. To make sure, either you can or can’t run Windows 11, have a look at the specs below:
Memory: 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended) is required.
Storage: at least 16 GB of free storage is required to run the OS.
Processor: An Intel Core 2 Duo or better is needed. 0
Graphics: DirectX 11 Ultimate or DirectX 11 and WDDM with any graphics card is also compelled.
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