In the realm of visual excellence, every frame matters. Windows 10 22H2 brings forth powerful tools to enhance your viewing experience by allowing precise control over your monitor’s refresh rate. Whether you’re a gamer seeking seamless motion or a professional craving pixel-perfect clarity, this guide will walk you through the steps to unlock the full potential of your display.

Join us as we explore the art of fine-tuning/changing refresh rates in Windows 10 22H2, and witness a transformation in how you perceive and interact with your digital world. Let’s embark on this journey together.

How To Change Monitor Refresh Rate on Windows 10 22H2?

change monitor refresh rate windows 10
change monitor refresh rate windows 10

To change monitor refresh rate on Windows 10 22H2 then you are going to apply the following steps.

Start > Settings > System > Display > Advanced display > Refresh rate.

Or check the steps given in much depth to fully understand and apply them.

Step 1: Open Display Settings

Display Settings in Windows 10
Display Settings in Windows 10

Begin the process by right-clicking on desktop and select Display Settings.

Alternatively, you can also select Settings by using Win+I then go to System > Display.

Step 2: Go to Advanced Display Settings

Advanced display settings
Advanced display settings

Now you will scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Advanced display settings.

Step 3: Select the Desired Display

Now this step can vary for most of users. If you have multiple displays, choose the one you want to adjust from the drop-down menu under Refresh rate.

Yet users with single desktop will have no such option. They will select desktop and then Refresh Rate.

Step 4: Adjust the Refresh Rate

select refresh rate in Windows 10
select refresh rate in Windows 10

Click on the drop-down menu next to Refresh rate and select the desired refresh rate from the available options. If you’re unsure, start with the highest option supported by your monitor.

Step 5: Confirm the Change

Click Apply. Windows will prompt you to confirm the change; click Keep Changes if you’re satisfied with the new refresh rate. Otherwise, it will revert back after 15 seconds.

If the monitor supports the selected refresh rate, you should notice an immediate difference in visual smoothness.

Step 6: Testing Compatibility (Optional)

If you experience any issues after changing the refresh rate (such as flickering or no display), Windows will automatically revert back to the previous setting after 15 seconds. You may need to select a different refresh rate that is compatible with your monitor.

Click the “X” button in the top-right corner to close the Display Settings window.

Note for users:

Not all monitors support all refresh rates. Choose a rate that your monitor can handle to avoid potential issues.

Higher refresh rates are beneficial for tasks like gaming, video editing, and animation, as they provide smoother motion.

If you’re uncertain about your monitor’s supported refresh rates, consult the manufacturer’s documentation or website.

Related Topic: Fix Generic PNP Monitor Driver Problem on Windows 10/11

Written by Admin

Hey, it's your Admin. I am a tech enthusiast who is trying to improve his skills to help others. My goal is to provide solutions to different software and operating systems. If you are having any kind of problem with tech and need assistance then I am here for you.

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