If you have ever used Windows and all of your sudden you experience a change in performance, then you will need to check your taskbar at once. As there is the possibility that your system is using all your resources. Service Host SysMain High Disk Usage on Windows 10 and Windows 11 are commons that be solved easily.

This negative impact will ruin your entire Windows 10 or 11 experience. You won’t be able to run any application on your system.

What is Service Host SysMain?

After your system start, another service called “SysMain” also runs in the background. This service is quite handy on most occasions but can also create some sort of issues. Within 10-15 minutes of starting your Windows, it can start all the applications in the background.

Running those applications at once can cause:

  • 100% of disk usage
  • High Disk Activity
  • High CPU usage

How Fix Service Host SysMain High Disk Usage on Windows 10 and Windows 11?

service host sysmain high disk usage
service host sysmain high disk usage

You will most likely experience the issue if you are using HHD. It is quite a common issue, as the service gets launched on HHD drives. Instead, you are recommended to use SDD on your system. This will not only increase your system performance but will also make sure, you won’t experience the Service Host SysMain High Disk Usage issue.  

Despite the SSD, here are some of the methods that can fix the issue on your Windows. If you got any sort of error or problem during or after applying the method then comment down, we will get to that issue as soon as possible.

1- Check for updates in Windows Update

check for update
check for update

Open the Start menu and there you will select Settings. Inside the Settings, you will find Update & Security. Now select Update & Security and you will be placed in Windows Update. Inside the Windows Update, you will click on Check for Updates.

If you got any updates then you will install them on your system, else will continue with the next method.

2- Disable SysMain on your Windows

There are numerous ways to disable the service. You can use them to disable the SysMain services on your Windows 10 or 11.

Disable from Services

Open the Start menu there you will type “services.msc” and press Enter.

Now Services will open on your screen.

Properties of SysMain
Properties of SysMain

You are going to scroll down and find SysMain. Right-click on it and select Properties.

stop SysMain
stop SysMain

Inside the Properties, you will find a Stop button. Click on Stop and then click on OK.

Use CMD to disable SysMain

You can also use CMD to disable SysMain. Open CMD as administrator from the Start menu.

CMD for disabling SysMain
CMD for disabling SysMain

Then you will type the command below and press Enter.

sc stop “SysMain” & sc config “SysMain” start=disabled

Disable from Registry

And the last method is to disable it from Registry Editor. For this method, you are going to open the Start menu and search for RUN. Open the RUN application and type “regedit”, and click on OK.

Navigate and find SysMain or you can use this directory “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysMain”.

Open the SysMain and you will find Start. Select Start and double-click on it.

Double-clicking on Start will open another small window. Here you will find Value data, change it to 4 and click on OK.

3- Stop Service Host SysMain from using all disk

 Another way to fix Service Host SysMain is to disable some of the services. By disabling the services, you will be able to stop hoggin your hard disk. For this method, you are going to open RUN from the Start menu.

services on RUN
services on RUN

Now you will type “services.msc” and press Enter.

Navigate and find Background Intelligent Transfer Services aka (BITS) in services. Double click on BITS and select Stop. Give your system a restart and check again for disk usage.

4- Disable Superfetch

If none of the above works then you will need to disable the Superfetch. By disabling it, you will fix the High Disk Usage on your Windows. For this method, you are going to open CMD as an administrator. You can find CMD on the Start menu, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.

Then you will use the command below on your CMD. The command given will disable the Superfetch service on your Windows.

net.exe stop superfetch

5- Run SFC scan

Whether the methods given above worked or not, you are recommended to perform an SFC scan on your Windows. SFC scan will check your system for any sort of corrupt files. not only does the command check for the errors but will also fix most of them.

So, it is recommended to use SFC no matter, whether you have fixed the high disk usage error or not. To use the command, you are going to run CMD as administrator from Start. Remember that CMD with admin privileges can’t perform the command.

sfc /scannow

What is Service Host SysMain?

SysMain is one of the services that run in the background of your Windows. It is used to utilize tasks and applications performance in the background. The service is responsible to make sure all the updates and programs are running in the background.

Disabling the Service Host SysMain is good or bad?

By disabling the service, you will both benefit and might also lose some. While you will gain performance enhancement by disabling the service, it will also increase disk usage.

Can disabling the SysMain affect my gaming experience?

Disabling the feature will affect your gaming experience directly. You will experience less load time and better performance. Whereas you will also experience high disk usage too.

While the performance will be affected other sections as FPS won’t be affected at all. As disk has no direct relation with FPS. The Graphics section can affect your FPS which is not related here.

Should I enable the Service Host SysMain on SDD?

SysMain is not impacting on SSD at all. The service works only on disks that are HHD. A system having SSD doesn’t need to run the service. Even though, if you run the service then you will only increase the P/E cycles. So, should I enable the service or not? And the answer to that is no. Disables the feature if you are using SDD while users with HHD should enable the feature.

What causes Service Host SysMain High Disk Usage?

There can be different things that can cause high disk usage. Third-party applications like anti-virus can be one of the reasons why you are experiencing the error. Most of the antivirus will have a full or in-depth scan in the background which increases your disk usage.

Not only the third-party application but having issues with your disk can also cause the error. By performing disk defragmentation, you can decrease disk usage. Users who are possessing faulty hard disks might also experience high disk usage. Changing the faulty hard disk can solve this problem.

Can I experience high disk usage due to a virus?

There is the possibility of having high disk usage due to a virus. However; you are not recommended to disable your anti-virus if you are experiencing high disk usage due to any threat like a virus.

There are many who state to avoid disk usage by disabling the antivirus. Even though this method might fix the issue but will also put your system at risk.

Written by Admin

Hey, it's your Admin. I am a tech enthusiast who is trying to improve his skills to help others. My goal is to provide solutions to different software and operating systems. If you are having any kind of problem with tech and need assistance then I am here for you.

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