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Split tunneling helps users to route some network traffic through an encrypted VPN and allows the rest to connect directly to the Internet. Thus, users can choose which apps or networks will be sent to a VPN tunnel and avoid over traffic through a VPN. Since not all devices or networks require VPN encryption, users can benefit from split tunneling to avoid unnecessary VPN traffic. 

When VPNs add an extra layer of security to networks and user connections, it sometimes slows down activities and causes more difficulties. VPNs route Internet traffic through the encrypted tunnel by default. When whole traffic is sent to the VPN, users can not reach optimal speeds.

Constructing which elements will be sent through a VPN can solve this problem with ease. To learn how does split tunneling work in a technical way, you can visit here and other informative websites. You must broaden your perspective on VPN split tunneling to take optimal advantage. 

Split Tunneling with a VPN
Split Tunneling with a VPN

On the one hand, sending %100 of Internet traffic through a VPN safeguards the organization’s data and resources best. On the other hand, it avoids local device access and limits transmissions. For instance, communication and transmission speed is vital for remote employees. They need to consider cybersecurity threats and data losses also. Hypothetically, full VPN implementation for the whole network is an amazing way to level up business safety and fertility. However, enterprises must also consider their economic interests. They can not set up an infrastructure that only relies on cybersecurity precautions so they must consider brand-new solutions such as split tunneling. 

Analyze your network 

Before benefitting from split tunneling, you should analyze, evaluate, and audit your network, devices, applications, and endpoint users. To maximize the split tunneling performance of your VPN, you must be sure of what you have. Determine your most vulnerable assets such as private data resources and confidential information. Listing your weak points in terms of cybersecurity and solutions to minimize the risks that can be a good start. Remember that securing your enterprise with a split tunneling VPN  is a shared responsibility between you and the security tool. 

Zero Trust security 

Although split tunneling offers a flexible VPN connection to the users, it can cause some security breaches. Users can download suspicious and noxious malware into their devices and put enterprise cybersecurity on the line. The best thing to avoid these kinds of wrong practices is to embrace Zero Trust security in your organization. The underlying logic of Zero Trust is to always verify credentials and trust no one. This mentality avoids both external third-party attacks and internal breaches that are rooted in employees. 

While implementing a split tunneling VPN in your organization, you can protect the devices, applications, and networks that are not routed through a VPN thanks to Zero Trust. Because Zero Trust eliminates privileges and control who can access which resources. So, you can enjoy the connection and transmission speed without compromising your data security. 

 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) 

DLP combines practices, policies, and methods to avoid data loss from the organization’s resources. It protects sensitive data both against external threats and internal breaches. DLP implementation simply classifies data and identifies the weak points of resources. DLP technologies are designed to catch suspicious behaviors such as unrecognized e-mails and phishing-related messages. With the help of data loss prevention, you can safely set up and use split tunneling with a VPN. 

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

You can secure mobile devices while using a split tunneling VPN. Since split tunneling helps users to route some connections directly to the Internet, and send the rest of them through an encrypted tunnel, cybersecurity might be compromised. From the mobile device point of view, an extra precaution can be useful. 

Enterprises can audit, control, and manage mobile devices that are connected to the company’s resources. This management helps companies to secure user laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices. Mobile device management can accompany the split tunneling VPN in terms of whole cybersecurity.

Staff training 

If you are a business owner that thinks about split tunneling VPN in your enterprise, you can consider training your workforce. Modern cybersecurity requirements ask for shared work. Cybersecurity tools only are not safe enough to enable your company to a %100 protected environment. You should not overlook the weakest link of cybersecurity, the human factor, and learn how to make them aware of threats and solutions. 

As explained above, split tunneling provides a flexible area for deciding which connections will go to a VPN and which them not. The ones that are not going through an encrypted tunnel can cause a disaster due to human error. If your team is not adequately trained for the cyber threats and protection methods, it is quite likely that you will expose to a cyber attack or data loss. In summary, never forget to give information to your staff regarding VPN solutions and split tunneling. 

In Conclusion 

VPN split tunneling offers security and velocity at the same time. Since most cybersecurity solutions compromise speed or usefulness while avoiding cyber threats, VPN split tunneling can promise both velocity and security. Try to combine VPN split tunneling with other cybersecurity tools to benefit from VPN advantages in the best way. 

Written by Admin

Hey, it's your Admin. I am a tech enthusiast who is trying to improve his skills to help others. My goal is to provide solutions to different software and operating systems. If you are having any kind of problem with tech and need assistance then I am here for you.

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