MSVCP140DLL Not Found Error on Windows 10?
You are running an application on your system and suddenly you get msvcp140.dll not found. Now, you can’t run the application, even after restarting your system. the error is appearing on your screen due to a faulty application, the file is corrupted by malicious software, there is registry damage or you have deleted or misplaced your msvcp140.dll file.
Msvcp140dll is an essential file system present in your C: drive. It is mostly consisting of drivers and commands to run. Anything happening to the files means an error will occur in your Windows OS. Here is what to do when you experience mscp140dll not found on your system.
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most commonly you will experience the following error on your screen:
“The program can’t start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” or “The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.”
Other errors mostly consist of:
- msvcp140.dll is missing
- msvcp140.dll error loading
- msvcp140.dll crash
- msvcp140.dll was not found
- msvcp140.dll could not be located
- msvcp140.dll Access Violation
- The procedure entry point msvcp140.dll error
- Cannot find msvcp140.dll
- Cannot register msvcp140.dll
You will also experience errors related to Microsoft Visual. If you have an error on your msvcp140dll file. As msvcp140.dll is a part of “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015” and is often required for running programs developed with Visual C++. Here are some solutions to the problem:
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Download msvcp140dll file
Basically, you will find 25 different versions of the file. However, you can select the latest version (which is given below) for downloading and installation. Keep in mind that you will need to download 32-bit files for 32-bit systems and 64-bit for 64-bit systems.
You can check your system type by Start > System information > System Type. From the direct links below you can download the msvcp140dll file.
Version: 14.26.28804.1
Architecture: 64
File size: 0.56 MB
Language: U.S. English
Company: Microsoft Corporation
Description: Microsoft® C Runtime Library
Zip file size: 0.18 MB
MD5: 7b92a6cb5d2cad407c457ab12d2b211d
SHA-1: e04020b3448fc6084fa31b7f791f22ff15e31328
1- Use CMD to fix MSVCP140DLL Not Found
If the problem is not serious then you can activate the msvcp140dll file using CMD. This way you can avoid any downloading or installation.
First, you will need to access CMD (command prompt) as administrator.
Once you are inside then you will need to type:
regsvr32 /u MSVCP140.dll
then you will sue this command:
regsvr32 MSVCP140.dll
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2- Reinstall Microsoft Visual
This is another method to fix msvcp140dll not found error. You will need to download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribution Package from the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 download page. Download the library and do the installation again. You will need to download the library according to your system type, you can find your system type in Start > System information > System Type.
Visual C++ Redistribution Package is an important library that is used to run applications. the library is installed on your system while you were installing your Windows.
3- Reinstall app
Another way to fix msvcp140dll not found is to reinstall the application again. If you have opened any application on your system and have experienced the error, then you can reinstall that app and avoid the error. it is mostly due to applications file corrupting the msvcp140dll file, reinstalling the app can solve the problem easily.
4- Run virus scan
The last arsenal in your armory is to run a virus scan. You can also experience the error, if you have virus on your system. the virus will mostly block the file and system can’t fetch the file which causes the error. run a virus scan, delete the virus and you have solved the problem.