Are you confused about what is Microsoft Windows Installer Redistributable and where to download windows installer’s latest version?

Then you are in the right place. Here you can download the windows installer for free.

You will also be showed to uninstall the older version and to replace that with the latest version. You can download Windows installer latest version by clicking on one of the links below.

What is the windows installer?

Windows Installer
Windows Installer

The Microsoft windows installer (WI) is an application of Microsoft Windows used to provide services from Microsoft. The Installer provides better services and standard format for management of components. It helps you to install and uninstall any software on your computer more easier.

This means by installing the Windows Installer you will get better feedback or help from Microsoft Windows. With Windows Installer, you can easily install, delete or maintain your applications on your computer.

Here is a list of Windows Installers versions:

windows installer 2.0 This version was released with Windows XP
windows installer 2.0 This version was released with Windows 2000 with service pack 3
windows installer 2.0 This version was released with Windows 2000 with service pack 4
windows installer 2.0 This version was released redistributable
windows installer 2.0 2.0.3790.0 This version was released with Windows 2003
windows installer 3.0 3.0.3790.2180 This version was released with  Windows XP as redistributable
windows installer 3.1 3.1.4000.1823 This version was released as redistributable
windows installer 3.1 3.1.4000.1830 This version was released with windows 2003 and windows XP professional edition(x64)
windows installer 3.1 3.1.4000.3959 This version was released with Windows 2003
windows installer 3.1 3.1.4000.2435 This version was released with Windows 2003
windows installer 3.1 3.1.4001.5512 This version was released with Windows XP
windows installer 4.0 4.0.6000.16386 This version was released with windows vista
windows installer 4.0 4.0.6001.18000 This version was released with windows vista and windows
windows installer 4.5 4.5.6002.18005 This version was released with windows vista and windows  2008
windows installer 4.5 4.5.6000.20817 This version was released as redistributable for windows 2008 and vista
windows installer 4.5 4.5.6001.22162 This version was released as redistributable for windows 2008 and vista
windows installer 4.5 4.5.6001.22159 This version was released as redistributable for Windows XP and 2003
windows installer 5.0 5.0.7600.16385 This version was released with Windows 2008 and later was with windows 7
Microsoft Windows Installer

In other words in your Windows, the installer makes it easier to install and customize your application on your computer. The applications will be easier for you to handle.

Download Microsoft Windows Installer Redistributable

You can download Microsoft Windows Installer Redistributable from the direct links given or by visiting their official site.

Download Microsoft Windows Installer Redistributable

File: wi4.5-windows6.0-KB942288-v2-64.msu

Size: 3MB

Support: Windows XP, 7, 8.1 and 10

Version: 4.5

Language: English

Developer: Microsoft

How Do I find my Windows Installer Version?

Before installing Microsoft Windows Installer Redistributable you should know which version you are using at the moment. To know which version of the Windows Installer you are using, there are two ways to find your windows installer.

Here is the easiest way to find the Windows Installer you are using.

Step1: Click on the Start button in the bottom left side.

Start Menu
Start Menu

Step2. Type “Run”

Run application
Run application

Step3. Open the Run, and type “%systemroot%/system32”

System Root file
System Root file

Step4. Click on the top right in the search box and type “Msi.dll” or find it by scrolling down in the folder

Windows Installer file
Windows Installer file

Step5. Click on the file and then click on its properties

Windows installer file properties
Windows installer file properties

Step6. Click on the version tab

Windows Installer version
Windows Installer version

Step7. Note the version number.

There you go! Now, you have successfully found your Windows Installer version.

Is Windows Installer running on my Windows OS?

Checking your Windows installer’s progress is as easy as it sounds. Follow the steps and you will find your answer.

Windows Installer service
Windows Installer service

Step1. Click on Start and type “services.msc”. Open it!


Step2. Scroll down to find a program named “Windows installer”.

checking windows installer
checking windows installer

Step3. Right-click on “windows installer”

Start Windows Installer
Start Windows Installer

Step4. You will find the start button

If it was running the “Stop” or “Pause” button can be enabled. If not then start the program if you want to run Windows Installer.

How to stop windows installer?

If you want to stop your windows installer for the moment or for the startup, then the following steps are going to be very useful to you.

Step1: Open the task manager by clicking on the toolbar or directly pressing “Ctrl”+”Shift”+”Esc”.

Step2: Click on the “processes” section

Step3: Right-click on the program

Step4: Choose the third option “end task”.

Final words

This was all about Microsoft Windows installer Redistributable. If still, you have any kind of confusion you can ask in the comment section.

Remember that there is no reliable link to download Windows Installer version 5. And that is the reason why we are unable to share with you the setup file and have only able to provide you Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable.

Written by Admin

Hey, it's your Admin. I am a tech enthusiast who is trying to improve his skills to help others. My goal is to provide solutions to different software and operating systems. If you are having any kind of problem with tech and need assistance then I am here for you.

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